What can Bluetooth 5.0 do? What kind of Bluetooth 5.0 applications are available in the market?
RF-star senior advisor XCODER has the following opinions. The applications of Bluetooth 5.0 are the same as that of Bluetooth 4.x. For the time being, Bluetooth 5.0 can replace the applications of Bluetooth v4.x. Even more, it can replace the original classic Bluetooth SPP transparent transmission applications because of its higher rate.
Bluetooth Mesh protocol as a part of the Bluetooth 5.0 has great potential markets in smart home and Bluetooth light control. Many companies are already joined in Bluetooth Mesh smart home market, and finally use smart speakers as the Internet entrance of smart home. The following two paragraphs are from the SIG:
“The strategic decision to adopt Bluetooth as the communications platform for our smart home strategy was an obvious choice for us,” said Lijuan Chen, Head of Alibaba A.I. Labs, the department leading consumer AI product development at Alibaba Group. “Bluetooth mesh is a wireless protocol that enables us to meet our customers’ scale, performance, and reliability requirements in the home. Bluetooth is already a proven, trusted, and widely used wireless standard, and we’re confident Bluetooth mesh will be the standard in home and building automation for years to come.”
“Bluetooth mesh es uno de los muchos facilitadores fundamentales de los futuros mercados de IoT, que permite una conectividad robusta, segura y escalable en el hogar inteligente, la automatización de edificios comerciales, los entornos industriales y más”, dijo Stuart Carlaw, director de investigación de ABI Research. “La malla Bluetooth, junto con las balizas Bluetooth , puede impulsar estos entornos hacia una mayor automatización, una mayor sensorización y habilitar valiosos servicios RTLS. Se pronostican casi 360 millones de envíos anuales de dispositivos Bluetooth Smart Building para 2022”.
¿Cuáles son los principales chips Bluetooth 5.0?
Algunos fabricantes de chips Bluetooth de gama media y baja y empresas emergentes en China continental y Taiwán también se están uniendo activamente al mercado de Bluetooth 5 . Como Airoha, Telink, Freqchip, Maxscend, Barrot y Bekin.